Product data BenQ 9H.LJ3LA.TSE

Manufacturer BenQ
Manufacturer code 9H.LJ3LA.TSE
Display diagonal (0) 23.8 "
Energy efficiency class (SDR) (32) F
Energy efficiency class (HDR) (33) F
Energy consumption (SDR) per 1000 hours (34) 19 kWh
Energy consumption (HDR) per 1000 hours (35) 21 kWh

(0) iagonal of the visible part of the screen expressed in centimeters and inches.

(32) Energy efficiency class is a standard classification that is used all over Europe and which is understandable at first sight. Products can be efficiently compared according to classes, starting from A (the most energy efficient class), and ending with G (the most energy-intensive class). The classification of energy efficiency is based on annual energy consumption which is being calculated on the basis of several different parameters.

(33) Energy efficiency class is a standard classification that is used all over Europe and which is understandable at first sight. Products can be efficiently compared according to classes, starting from A (the most energy efficient class), and ending with G (the most energy-intensive class). The classification of energy efficiency is based on annual energy consumption which is being calculated on the basis of several different parameters.

(34) Power consumption in switched-on state expressed in W.

(35) Power consumption in switched-on state expressed in W.